Not able to pull the container image using the local_registry_images.yaml file
I am setting up a new Redhat Openstack 12 environment using RHEL 7.3. I am in the chapter 5: CONFIGURING CONTAINER REGISTRY DETAILS.
While running the command sudo openstack overcloud container image upload --config-file /home/stack/local_registry_images.yaml --verbose
I am getting following error.
START with options: [u'overcloud', u'container', u'image', u'upload', u'--config-file', u'/home/stack/local_registry_images.yaml', u'--verbose']
command: overcloud container image upload -> tripleoclient.v1.container_image.UploadImage (auth=False)
Using config files: [u'/home/stack/local_registry_images.yaml']
UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out.
END return value: 1
and help to resolve this issue would be appreciated. Thanks