Browsing the Course Catalog is a Nightmare

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Hey there.

I was trying to get a list of all courses that have Video Classroom available, so I tried to dig in the Course Catalog.

Right off the bat it gives me 2776 Records, which is absurd, since it displays every course, in every format, for every language, in every region, and exams too!

So I tried to narrow it down further, and selected (Video Classroom) From the drop down, the list came down to 321 Entries. The only way to narrow the search down is to type your region's name - in my case: Middle East -, in the search field to get the list of 20 VC Courses.

I'm not sure why RHLS Team decided to display the content this way, but it is very confusing. Maybe require the user to set his language/region at profile then display those specific courses for him by default (Unless he manually looks for exams in other regions for instance).

I would love to hear what you guys think.
