Problem managing guest VM packages from Satellite
I have four RHEL 7.2 hosts managed by a Satellite 5.8 instance. I created some guest VMs by hand (i.e. not from using Satellite to run a kickstart) on the hosts and then registered the guest VMs with the Satellite instance via rhnreg_ks. I can see the guest VMs in Satellite and can use Satellite to reboot, delete, etc.
However, I would like to use Satellite to install packages on the guest VMs. However, when I access Systems -> Virtual Systems and click on a VM profile name, I am not taken to a VM profile page - the profile name is not a hypertext link, and so it appears I can't use Satellite to manage the packages on my VMs.
Is this behaviour due to the fact that I didn't create the VMs via a Kickstart in Satellite? Is there way way around it?