SELinux User's and Administrator's Guide
Chapter 2, reads in part:
"3. An SELinux policy rule states that the passwd_t domain has entrypoint permission to the passwd_exec_t type."
This is confusing as it suggests control flows from the passwd_t domain to the passwd_exec_t type, exactly the opposite of what the rest of the example is showing. I suspect this is because a couple of words were dropped. The sentence should probably be:
"3. An SELinux policy rule states that the passwd_t domain has its entrypoint permission set to the passwd_exec_t type. "
Oh, and the "discussion platform" link appearing in the "Where did the comment section go?" box common to all the SELinux User's and Administrator's Guide pages is utterly dead unless one is already logged in. This needs to be fixed. A simple redirect to the login page would suffice.