Remove deployment with recipe
I'm able to deploy a bundle which deploys an EAR application on my JBoss EAP 6.4.16 Domain.
Now I'm trying to deploy a new version of the same bundle but I get the following message:
domain-failure-description={JBAS014653: Composite operation failed and was rolled back. Steps that failed:={Operation step-1=JBAS014803: Duplicate resource [("deployment" => "MyApp.ear")]}}}, rolled-back=true
If I delete the application through JBoss Console and later trying to deploy the new bundle version it works.
The problem is that I can't deploy a new bundle if the application is still deployed.
Is there a way to delete the previously deployed application with the new bundle's recipe?
My recipe:
<project name="capa-bundle" default="main" xmlns:rhq="antlib:org.rhq.bundle">
<rhq:bundle name="MyApp" version="1.2" description="Bundle for MyApp">
<rhq:input-property name="" defaultValue="MyAppBundle.ear" required="true"/>
<rhq:input-property name="" defaultValue="clusterE-server-group" required="true"/>
<rhq:deployment-unit name=" deployment unit" compliance="filesAndDirectories">
<rhq:archive name="MyApp.ear">
<rhq:handover action="deployment">
<rhq:handover-param name="runtimeName" value="${}"/>
<rhq:handover-param name="serverGroup" value="${}"/>
<target name="main"/>
By the way, my JON's version is 3.3