Server with GUI but without System Tools and Utilities

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I got stuck with a weird problem here. I've installed RHEL 7.4 via anaconda and checked 'Server with GUI' in the software collection dialog. At first it seems that the machine was installed as expected.

On the second look I've detected that the menus 'System Tools' and 'Utilities' from the Applications menu are empty.

Running sudo yum grouplist shows the group 'Server with GUI' to be available and not installed. But trying to install it I got the message that there is nothing to do.

$ sudo yum grouplist
[sudo] password for user: 
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
Available Environment Groups:
   Minimal Install
   Infrastructure Server
   File and Print Server
   Basic Web Server
   Virtualization Host
   Server with GUI
Installed Groups:
   Graphical Administration Tools
   Legacy UNIX Compatibility
   Security Tools
   System Administration Tools
Available Groups:
   Compatibility Libraries
   Console Internet Tools
   Development Tools
   Scientific Support
   Smart Card Support
   System Management

$ sudo yum groupinstall 'Server with GUI'
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
Maybe run: yum groups mark install (see man yum)
No packages in any requested group available to install or update
  1. How do I get the programs usually are in System Tools and Utilities?
  2. Why isn't the group 'Server with GUI' mared as installed and how do I get this straight?

Best regards,
