Subscription Management questions
Sorry for what probably sounds like a newbie question ....
I inherited the role of administering a new Satellite server and find the Redhat model of subscriptions and entitlements very confusing.
The environment we've got is Satellite 5.x something managing a bunch of production servers. A new environment getting set up will be running RHEL 7.2 or RHEL 7.3, and the Satellite server there will be running Satellite 6.2. Some of the production servers were registered with RHN and many others are registered to the Satellite server.
I'm managing the new Satellite server and it doesn't appear to have any subscriptions available on it. This Satellite has a transition license until the other one gets shut down.
On the Redhat portal it looks like our production Satellite has 10 subscriptions available for "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server, Premium (1-2 sockets) (Unlimited guests)" and 130 available for "Smart Management". From my poking around in the Redhat portal it looks like these subscriptions can be moved to the new Satellite.
I'm not clear which subscription is appropriate to use in which case. For a few servers when we registered them on the Redhat portal directly, there didn't seem to be any issue subscribing to the various subscriptions we needed. When I register directly to the Satellite server no subscriptions channels are available.
The majority of our servers are general function servers (i.e. not running a special Redhat product beyond the operating system). Is the "Smart Management" subscription the right subscription to use in that case?
What are the steps to transfer subscriptions from one Satellite to another and how does the Satellite receiving the new subscriptions become aware of the new subscriptions? Is that the role of creating and downloading the manifest from the Redhat portal? If that's the case, would you first transfer the subscriptions to the new Satellite, create a new manifest and then import it into the new Satellite? Or can this subscription transfer just happen through the Redhat portal - i.e. the Satellite checks into the portal and the portal tells it it's got some new subscriptions added to it?
Thanks in advance for your help,