Off-line upgrade of rhv 4.0 hypervisor
Just wondering if there is much demand for upgrading RHV 4.0 hypervisors offline? (ie, hypervisors not able to access the internet)
It's not possible to add the 'rhel-7-server-rhvh-4-rpms' channel to an internet facing system by default, but you can if you add the hypervisor product certificate (328.pem). ie, on your internet facing system, run:
scp root@<hypervisor>:/etc/pki/product-default/328.pem /etc/pki/product-default/.
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhvh-4-rpms
yumdownloader redhat-virtualization-host-image-update
You can then create a 3rd party repo containing redhat-virtualization-host-image-update-*.rpm packages, and register your hypervisors to this.