Strange behavior accessing Docker Remote API
Hi All,
I hope this is the correct place to ask.
I have a redhat docker installation on latest rhel7 with an well running docker daemon. I start the daemon to be accessible from remote. As far as I understand the docker daemon is not secured by default.
OPTS="-H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -H tcp://"
I opened the port 2375 in firewalld.
I can access via my browser
and get a expected response.
When i now try to connect with JBoss Developer Studio and the Docker Tooling I'm not able to connect to the daemon. I see no error messages in Eclipse Error log to identify the problem. When I use the internal Eclipse web browser I can connect to the api.
All used versions have the latest available updates.
I stuck since days :-(
Some help out there :-)
ps: If this is not the correct forum, please move this post.