RHEV 3.5 Networks issue

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I am trying RHEV 3.5.

I have the following scenario:

2 RHEV-H: RHEVH1 y RHEVH2, both belongs to RHEVDC1 (Data Center)

At RHEVDC1 (Data Center) have the following Networks defined:


I create 3 VMs each one with vNic associated to VMNET3. So, when i use ping between them, it works fine if the 3 VMs are in the same RHEVH: RHEVH2

The following task fail:
1 M1 pings to M2
2 M2 pings to M3
3 M3 pings to M1

If the 3 VMs are runing in the same RHEVH, everithig fine. But, when i migrate M3 to another RHEVH pings fail on 2 and 3.
What do i doing wrong?

