saaj classloading issue with Spring custom module
We are migrating our enterprise web application from JBoss EAP 5.2 to JBoss EAP 6.3. We use the Spring Framework for our web services. Therefore, we've created a custom Spring module. The module is being loaded successfully. I'm sure of that because I can step through Spring code during a debugging session (I have the Spring source jars).
Our web services implementation has a dependency on the class "SOAPMessageFactory1_1Impl". This class can be found in the "com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj" module.
We've added this module as a dependency in the module.xml file of the Spring custom module. The issue we are having is a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException is being thrown with regard to the "SOAPMessageFactory1_1Impl class. The following Spring class is throwing the class not found exception : "". So, we need help in understanding and resolving this issue. I've attached our module.xml file, as well as a snippet of the stack trace as well as the relevant portion of our jboss-deployment-structure file .
Bob Corcoran