JBoss console.log
JBoss EAP 6.0.1.GA
Red Hat 6.5
Standalone and domain installations
Can not rotate the file console.log without restarting JBoss
I am using JBoss EAP 6.0.1.GA on Red Hat and I would like to be able to manage the files console.log within a professional and sustainable way so that they do not fill up the whole disk.
Our installation writes the console.log files to: /var/log/jboss-as/console.log
A restart of the JBoss application initiates a new console.log file and creates an old copy with a date extension, called: /var/log/jboss-as/standalone/server.log.YYYY-MM-DD
We can deal with the other JBoss log files using something like: rotate-size value="2048"
However we can not rotate the console.log log file.
I have searched the web and these pages (the search on here is not very good) but I can not find any solutions for console.log. I can find lots of questions on the web but not any solutions.
Similar unanswered questions are here:
Some answers mention using the file log4j.xml but we do not have that file within this installation.
I have also looked at the JBoss documentation and a couple of books.
The JBoss documentation does not reference the file.
We need to be able to manage the file /var/log/jboss-as/console.log and I was hopping or really expecting that the product should really be able to to manage it itself with configuration.
It is an enterprise product after all.
Does anyone have an idea what we can do ?
Thank you.