perl-net-ssh and perl-net-sftp install issues

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Hi All,

There is a requirement from our applications team to have perl-net-sftp and perl-net-sftp-foreign installed.

The server in question is a RedHat 6.5 Build:

[root@lpadts01 tmp]# uname -a
Linux lpadts01 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Nov 10 22:19:54 EST 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@lpadts01 tmp]#
[root@lpadts01 tmp]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago)

I have downloaded:


from EPEL......installation of perl-Net-SFTP-Foreign-1.77-1.fc24.noarch.rpm was fine, however when installing perl-Net-SFTP-0.10-20.fc24.noarch.rpm:

[root@lpadts01 tmp]# rpm -ivh perl-Net-SFTP-0.10-20.fc24.noarch.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.22.0) is needed by perl-Net-SFTP-0.10-20.fc24.noarch
perl(Net::SSH::Perl) >= 1.24 is needed by perl-Net-SFTP-0.10-20.fc24.noarch
perl(Net::SSH::Perl::Buffer) is needed by perl-Net-SFTP-0.10-20.fc24.noarch
perl(Net::SSH::Perl::Constants) is needed by perl-Net-SFTP-0.10-20.fc24.noarch
perl(Net::SSH::Perl::Util) is needed by perl-Net-SFTP-0.10-20.fc24.noarch

The dependency that is concerning me is "perl(Net::SSH::Perl) >= 1.24 is needed by perl-Net-SFTP-0.10-20.fc24.noarch" as it appears to require a higher version of perl-net-ssh which I cant find on EPEL, let alone any of the other dependencies.

I am unable to setup EPEL as a repo as the server is in a DMZ and wll never be allowed to communicate outside of this due to strict business requirements.

Can anyone help before I murder the application team for asking for it :)


