Bug when calling apachectl command (httpd)
We are using RH7
Linux web121 3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon May 5 11:16:57 EDT 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
and have installed available apache httpd sw
[root@web121 conf]# yum list installed | grep httpd
httpd.x86_64 2.4.6-31.el7_1.1 @rhel-7-server-rpms
httpd-tools.x86_64 2.4.6-31.el7_1.1 @rhel-7-server-rpms
we need to use apachectl command in order to pass parameters to the apache service.
There is a bug with this command and it is returning the following response.
Passing arguments to httpd using apachectl is no longer supported.
You can only start/stop/restart httpd using this script.
If you want to pass extra arguments to httpd, edit the
/etc/sysconfig/httpd config file.
Can you please provide bugfix for this issue?