Upgrading NIC drivers for RHEL VMs when upgrading VMWare Tools

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I'm in the process of upgrading new VMWare Tools for various versions of RHEL and I've noticed that a few of them aren't automatically upgrading to the newest driver of VMXNET 3. Discovered this while troubleshooting a socket issue with a RHEL server.

For a few of my test VMs, I'm deleting the NIC, creating a new NIC and then launching the GUI and editing the MAC address to show the new MAC address, which seems to work the best. I did try from the CLI to rename /etc/syconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to ifcfg-eth0.bkup and revise the MAC address and this seemed to cause issues, so I stuck with the GUI to make the update.

Was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on how to update these or a better way to do it.

