Satellite 6 - Proxy/Vertically Tiered Topology

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We are trying to identify the best topology for Satellite/Capsules.

Our context is that We have several locations, let's call them LosAngeles, NewYork, London, Paris, Mumbai, Beijing, etc

Some location have different Environments. The requirement is that 'Prod' environment should not be connected to internet. So, we cannot use only one Satellite Server. We cannot use only capsules in production, because Dev, and Prod should be administered from the same server.

So, I was looking into a Satellite 6 topology similar to this:
Satellite 5 - topologies multiservers

  • Does Satellite 6 supports a Satellite-Proxy?
  • Can a Satellite Server connect (like Capsules do) to another Satellite Server?
    • How will subscriptions work in this scenario?
    • How can a content be promoted to different Environments, but only the Prod environment to be on a separate Satellite?
  • All topologies presented (in User Guide ) consider having a single Satellite Server and multiple Capsules. Are Vertically Tiered Topologies even considered?

Thank you for any comments!
