Issues with Software Collections on RHEL 6

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I'm sure I'm just missing a step or three, but I'm unable to see any packages in the software collection repo and actually I don't think I'm seeing the correct repo. My SC is still labeled with the word -beta- in the title. That seems odd.

I've attempted to re-run system registration and updates, but nothing seems to change. I can pull my premium repos like rhel-6-server-rpms or rhel-6-server-optional-rpms, but not the software collect.

This is what I see when listing all repos. I see no packages in the beta version.

yum repolist all
rhel-server-rhscl-6-beta-debug-rpms Red Hat Software Collections Beta Debug RPMs for Red disabled
rhel-server-rhscl-6-beta-rpms Red Hat Software Collections Beta RPMs for Red Hat E enabled: 0
rhel-server-rhscl-6-beta-source-rpms Red Hat Software Collections Beta Source RPMs for Re disabled

How to I obtain the updates repo list?

I'm still new to the RH subscription tools.

I've re-subscribed using the suscription-manager tool but nothing seems to change.

