redhat installed products

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When we were investigating moving to Red Hat, we were issued several temporary subscriptions which apparently had access to almost every channel imaginable.

Now that we have committed to RedHat and re-subscribed using our regular entitlements, we are finding some strange things:
* The systems are receiving updates
* The status for the system in the subscription inventory is listed as "System is not properly subscribed"
* 'subscription-manager list' returns 4 installed products with two subscribed and two not supported
* 'subscription-manager status' indicates that the overall status is "Invalid"

All systems were installed the exact same way with minimum (@Base) package group to start and then adding a basic number of programs X windows libs and a few others.

Is there a way to remove the two products that are not supported (and indeed were never needed or used to begin with)...? I'm not having a great deal of luck with searching possibly because my terminology needs to be corrected.

Is this something to worry about at all. These machines will be/are running oracle databases and we don't want to lose support based on system status (if possible).

Any thoughts or pointers.
