Setting up CF with RHEV
I am working to learn Cloud Forms - we have it set up and managing a pretty big VMware estate. Now I am trying to get up to speed on it and install it with RHEV.
So far, I have manged to get CF UI and DB installed with a worker and it is scanning my RHEV cluster and reporting Templates and VMs. So all good on that front.
I have tried provisioning from Template, but the request seemed to go nowhere.
Now I am running into numerous problems - the Install Doc for RHEV for CF 3.1 seems to have disappeared (vmware and openstack are there however!)
In the Lifecycle and Automation Guide the prereqs say I need to have the Manager SDK installed in the usual place.. and gives a url of https://server:8443/api but when I try that it says the page is unavailable. As far as I know I installed all of manager...
ALso the Lifecycle and Automateion Guides seems to say I need to have the Data Warehouse installed, I don't know how to tell if I do or not.
I am using FCP for my shared storage - It seems to say that I need RHEL servers with KVM, and not the all in one virtualisatoin hypervisor...
And the CF appliance VM my have Direct LUN set - no idea what that is as I can't seem to find the install Doc for CF on RHEV, as stated above.
Also, I was just planning on provisioning from Templates on RHEV, but the focus seems to be on PXE and ISO provisioning - am I making a mistake trying to use Templates? We use templates in VMware with CF and that seems to be fine.
Sorry, a lot of questions and steep learning curve here - Would appreciate any advice on documents (that are available to read)