RHEL 7 Upgrade fails from RHEL 6.6

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I have followed the below setps while performing the RHEL 7 upgrade:
1) intsall prerequisite RHEL 7 package openscap, pcredevel, mod_wsgi,preupgrade-assistant, redhat-upgrade-tool.
2) Then run preupg check command. I am attaching the my results as an html.
3) Then mount the RHEL 7 ISO ( As I donot have Satellite facility) to the system and then import the RHEL 7 GPG key .
yum import RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release
4) As in RHEL 6 selinux is enabled in permissive mode I have run the following command
semodule -r sandbox
5) Then run the redhat-upgrade-tool and reboot with following option
redhat-upgrade-tool --device /dev/sr0 --cleanup-post

6) After reboot of the RHEL6.6 it performs some upgarde option and finally it make the system unusable

telinit: /lib64/lib.so.6 : Version 'GLIBC2_14' Not found

init:rcS post-stop process 991 terminated with status 1 and then hang.
can you please suggest some option so that my inplace upgrade will be successful.

