RHEL 7 fresh install - which updates should I install?

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RHEL 7 offers me to install 150+ updates, and it seems many of these updates are not applicable to my server. For example it offers to install some "WiFi" Firmware, but my server doesn't have any wifi card. Also regarding many updates i just don't know what are they for and if I need them. For example I don't know what is "A TLS protocol implementation" also I don't know if I need it. What would be the most correct scenario?

  1. Just install all updates. So "A TLS protocol implementation" should be installed.

  2. Install all updates except those I'm absolutely sure I don't need. In my case I should install eveyrthing except WiFi, Samba. So "A TLS protocol implementation" should be installed.

  3. Only install updates I'm absolutely sure - for example Linux kernel, OpenJava, do not install anything else. So "A TLS protocol implementation" should not be installed.


