EAP6 and ws-addressing: Supported transports on non-anonymous ReplyTo address
With ws-addressing, when using a non-anonymous ReplyTo address, it is possible for the SOAP request and response to be decoupled.
server: Listening on port 8080 via HTTP transport
client: Listening on port 8082 via HTTP transport
client --- SOAP request ( new TCP connection on port 8080 ) --> server
client <-- HTTP 202 ( empty HTTP response body on 8080 ) --- server
client <-- SOAP response ( new TCP connection on port 8082 ) --- server
My questions are:
1) What are the supported transports on the ReplyTo address with JBossEAP 6.x ? HTTP is of course supported, but what about ... say ... SMTP should I wish the SOAP response to be sent via e-mail ?
2) When dealing with non-anonymous ReplyTo address, regardless of transport, is there a way to configure re-sends of the SOAP response e.g. The address indicated in the ReplyTo address is not listening or is down at the moment. I know some others implements it via JMS so that the SOAP response can be re-tried in the event that the SOAP response could not initially be sent.
I know JBoss7/JBossEAPs uses CXF as the jax-ws implementation, but I was wondering if RedHat has done some additional offerings of the stock-standard CXF implementation.