Red Hat support for Spring Boot: 2.1.12 Component Details
Table of Contents
The page lists important details about the Spring Boot 2.1.12 Components used in Red Hat Support for Spring Boot. Refer to the Red Hat Runtimes Spring Boot Component Details Overview for additional releases.
Copyright Notice About Spring Boot Components
Spring®, Spring Boot, the respective names of individual Spring projects, and words derived or using the registered name (such as SPRING FRAMEWORK, SPRING BOOT, SPRING CLOUD, SPRINGSOURCE, SPRING IO, SPRING IO PLATFORM, SPRING BY PIVOTAL) are registered trademarks of Pivotal Software, Inc.
Supportability of Spring Boot Artifacts
Red Hat supports Spring Boot components as outlined in the Supported Configurations page. The list of supported components are listed below. The Spring Boot components are available in the Maven Central Repository.
Dekorate Technology as Tech Preview
To ease the deployment of application, Dekorate generates Kubernetes/OpenShift resources by just using annotations or configuration files.
Dekorate is provided as Technology Preview with this release.
For examples and details, please check Dekorate.
Artifact ID | Version |
io.dekorate | 0.10.10.redhat-00001 |
Reactive Spring Technology as Tech Preview
For designing reactive applications, the following productized starters, based on community releases of Spring WebFlux and Reactor Netty are provided as Technology Preview. This enables you to create a fully Red Hat-supported reactive stack that you can use to build your Spring Boot applications. These set of starters use Eclipse Vert.x reactive components underneath.
Group ID | Artifact ID | Version | Underlying RedHat Component Version |
dev.snowdrop | vertx-spring-boot-starter | 0.0.8.redhat-00002 | Vert.x 3.8.3 |
dev.snowdrop | vertx-spring-boot-starter-http | 0.0.8.redhat-00002 | Vert.x 3.8.3 |
dev.snowdrop | vertx-spring-boot-starter-http-test | 0.0.8.redhat-00002 | Vert.x 3.8.3 |
dev.snowdrop | vertx-spring-boot-starter-actuator | 0.0.8.redhat-00002 | Vert.x 3.8.3 |
dev.snowdrop | vertx-spring-boot-starter-mail | 0.0.8.redhat-00002 | Vert.x 3.8.3 |
dev.snowdrop | vertx-spring-boot-starter-amqp | 0.0.8.redhat-00002 | Vert.x 3.8.3 |
dev.snowdrop | vertx-spring-boot-starter-kafka | 0.0.8.redhat-00002 | Vert.x 3.8.3 |
Supported Red Hat Components
Group ID | Artifact ID | Version | Underlying RedHat Component Version |
io.opentracing.contrib | opentracing-spring-jaeger-web-starter | 2.0.3.redhat-00002 | RedHat Jaeger |
org.amqphub.spring | amqp-10-starter.version | 2.1.7.redhat-00003 | Red Hat AMQ |
org.jboss.resteasy | resteasy-spring-boot-starter | 3.2.1.Final-redhat-00002 | RestEasy 3.9.0 |
org.keycloak | keycloak-spring-boot-starter | 4.8.15.Final-redhat-00001 | RedHat SSO 8.0.1 |
me.snowdrop | narayana-spring-boot-starter | 2.1.1.redhat-00001 | Narayana 5.9.5 |
Supported Spring Boot 2.1.12.RELEASE Components
Group ID | Artifact ID | Version | Underlying RedHat Component Version |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter | 2.1.12.RELEASE | |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-test | 2.1.12.RELEASE | |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-actuator | 2.1.12.RELEASE | |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-artemis | 2.1.12.RELEASE | |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-activemq | 2.1.12.RELEASE | |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-data-jpa | 2.1.12.RELEASE | Hibernate 5.3.14.Final-redhat-00001 |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-jdbc | 2.1.12.RELEASE | |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-tomcat | 2.1.12.RELEASE | Apache Tomcat (Embedded) 9.0.21.redhat-4 |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-undertow | 2.1.12.RELEASE | Undertow 2.0.28.SP1-redhat-00001 |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-web | 2.1.12.RELEASE | |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-websocket | 2.1.12.RELEASE | |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-validation | 2.1.12.RELEASE | Hibernate-Validator 6.0.18.Final-redhat-00001 | | spring-cloud-starter-kubernetes | 1.0.4.RELEASEE | | | spring-cloud-starter-kubernetes-config | 1.0.4.RELEASE |
Tested and Verified Components
Group ID | Artifact ID | Version | Underlying RedHat Component Version |
org.apache.cxf | 3.3.4.redhat-00001 | ||
org.infinispan | infinispan-spring-boot-starter-embedded | 2.1.7.Final | RedHat JBoss Data Grid 9.4.16.Final |
org.infinispan | infinispan-spring-boot-starter-remote | 2.1.7.Final | RedHat JBoss Data Grid 9.4.16.Final |
Deploying Spring Boot Applications From WAR Files
Repackaging the Spring Boot application as an executable WAR file is also supported through Red Hat Runtimes Subscription.