Hardware update RHEL version requirement : Intel Xeon® Processor E7-48XX/88xx V3

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This system was originally certified with an earlier version of RHEL 6 and/or RHEL 7. A subsequent hardware refresh of this system contains a processor update, Intel Xeon® Processor E7-48XX/88xx V3 that requires at minimum RHEL6.6 or RHEL 7.1 in order to remain supported.


  • Intel Xeon® Processor E7-48XX/88xx V3 Processors
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • Red Hat Enterprise OpenStack Platform (RHELOSP) 5
  • Red Hat Enterprise OpenStack Platform (RHELOSP) 6
  • Red Hat Enterprise OpenStack Platform (RHELOSP) 7
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 8
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 9


The versions of RHEL that were originally certified on this system do not support the newer Intel Xeon® Processor E7-48XX/88xx V3 processors. In order to remain supported, any systems that are purchased with this processor and/or receive updates to this processor should be updated to RHEL6.6 or RHEL7.1 accordingly.

Please review the specifications for the system at time of purchase. If the specifications include the hardware listed in the "Environment" section of this article, then the minimum supported versions are RHEL6.6 and RHEL7.1.

  • Please consult all other notes linked to this system certification. Other restrictions regarding minimum supported Operating System may apply. This note pertains only to the minimum required version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux needed to support the listed processors.

  • Please see Intel CPUs and Supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Versions for further details on minimum supported RHEL versions and Intel CPUs
