How do I resolve SSL connection errors with the Red Hat Network up2date agent?

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How do I resolve SSL connection errors with the Red Hat Network up2date agent?


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4


Other than expired certificates, the most common cause of SSL connection errors is an inaccurate system time. An incorrect date can cause the SSL certificate to look like it has expired. Please ensure your system time is accurate.

Also, if the system is behind a firewall, make sure that the firewall is not blocking port 443 (https).

Next, make sure that the machine is pointing at the right server. Run either:

up2date --configure --nox for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and 4


rhn_register --configure --nox for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1

Check that noSSLServerURL and serverURL look like the following:



If all of this is correct and you still receive SSL errors, ensure your system is using the correct certificate, as defined in the up2date and rhn_register configuration files. Refer to the relevant chapter of the RHN User Reference Guide for instructions on configuring these client applications.

If the system will use RHN Proxy Server or RHN Satellite Server to obtain updates, you must install the certificate for that server on the system and reconfigure the client applications mentioned above. Consult the RHN Client Configuration Guide for precise steps. This guide can be found in the Help section of the RHN website.
