Is it possible to remove Completed Actions and Failed Actions from the Red Hat Satellite server which are consuming database space?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Network Satellite 5.5
  • Red Hat Satellite 5.6
  • Red Hat Satellite 5.7


  • Is it possible to remove Completed Actions and Failed Actions from satellite server webui which are consuming database space?
  • How can we delete the archived actions from satellite server ?
  • Need to remove old Failed actions and Completed Actions
  • How do we clean up Completed Actions in Satellite ?


  • To delete the Completed Actions you need to select them and Archive it. Once those are archived then go to archived actions tab, select the actions and at the end of the page you have the button Delete Actions which you can use to delete them.

  • If there are many actions to be archived or to be deleted then you can also use API methods: listAllActions, archiveActions, listArchivedActions, deleteActions which will help archive and delete the actions.

  • Sample API code to archive failed, completed actions and then delete the archived actions:

#archive all Failed Actions
failed_list = client.schedule.listFailedActions(key)
for action in failed_list:


#archive all Completed Actions
completed_list = client.schedule.listCompletedActions(key)
for action in completed_list:


#delete all Archived Actions
archived_list = client.schedule.listArchivedActions(key)
for action in archived_list:

  • If you are using Satellite v5.5 then ensure that the errata mentioned below or later is applied on the Satellite. This feature request is fulfilled within Red Hat Network Satellite 5.5 in errata RHBA-2013-0583

  • If you are using Red Hat Satellite 5.6, you can apply the workaround below while the errata is not released for bug #1030798.

  • To delete completed actions:

1.) Make sure you have a recent, working backup of the Satellite database. For further information refer to the article

2.) Stop all other services:

# rhn-satellite stop
# service postgresql start

3.) Log in to the database, and delete the completed actions associated with user 1 in org 1:

# spacewalk-sql -i

rhnschema=# delete from rhnAction where id in
(select id from rhnUserActionOverview
where org_id = 1
and user_id = 1
and action_status_id = 2
and archived = 0);

[This can take a couple minutes to run.]

rhnschema=# quit

4.) Restart services:

# service postgresql stop
# rhn-satellite start

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