Inter Satellite Sync on Red Hat Satellite 5.6 fails with "Server x.x.x.x is not enabled for ISS Error Class Code: 2004"

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 5.6


  • Inter Satellite Sync fails with the below error
2014/12/27 09:06:51 -05:00 Commandline: ['/usr/bin/satellite-sync']
2014/12/27 09:06:51 -05:00 Red Hat Satellite - live synchronization
2014/12/27 09:06:51 -05:00    url:
2014/12/27 09:06:51 -05:00    debug/output level: 1
2014/12/27 09:06:51 -05:00 
2014/12/27 09:06:51 -05:00 
ERROR: There was a problem communicating with the ISS Master.
       If the master satellite is older than v5.3, it does not have ISS capability.
       Otherwise, depending on the specific error details, please review your
       configuration, basic network connectivity, and/or name resolution, and try again.
       Error message: 
Error Message:
    Server "x.x.x.x" is not enabled for ISS.
Error Class Code: 2004
Error Class Info: 
     This satellite server is not allowed to use Inter Satellite Sync on this satellite
     An error has occurred while processing your request. If this problem
     persists please enter a bug report at
     If you choose to submit the bug report, please be sure to include
     details of what you were trying to do when this error occurred and
     details on how to reproduce this problem.


  • This might be a temporary DNS resolution issue, make sure that the /etc/hosts file has the entries for the master and slave satellite entries
[root@master ~]# vi /etc/hosts
x.x.x.x master
x.x.x.x   slave

[root@slave ~]# cat /etc/hosts
x.x.x.x master
x.x.x.x   slave
  • Confirm that the slave server is registered to the master satellite server.
  • Make sure the FQDN for the satellite server is set, if changes are made to the host name or IP address reboot the server (if necessary).
  • During satellite installation if --skip-fqdn-test option is used, (which is not recommended) execute the spacewalk-hostname-rename command.
[root@slave ~]# spacewalk-hostname-rename x.x.x.x
  • On Master server, login to satellite webUI ---> Admin ---> ISS Configuration ---> Master Setup ---> click Add new Slave ---> Fill the slave server FQDN and selection options as necessary and make sure Allow Slave to Sync? is selected
  • On Slave server, login to satellite webUI ---> Admin ---> ISS Configuration ---> Slave Setup ---> click Add new Master ---> Fill the master server FQDN and provide the master server CA certificate location on the slave server.
  • Check the satellite sync now
[root@slave ~]# satellite-sync -l

Root Cause

  • During installation --skip-fqdn-test option was used to install the satellite server, which was the root cause of this issue.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Go through Satellite v5.6 documentation link and confirm whether followed all the steps.

  • To ensure whether there is any connectivity issue execute:

   # ping <maser-server-fqdn>
   # nslookup <master-server-fqdn>
  • If skip-fqdn-test option is used to install the satellite server, then reconfigure the satellite server to use the proper SSL certificates with the spacewalk-hostname-rename command.

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