How to deal with CVE-1999-0519 and CVE-2000-1200?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7



  • If the RHEL system is configured as an Active Directory client or samba service is running on it, below steps can be followed to overcome these vulnerabilities :

    1. Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf file and add following lines in [global] section.

      guest account = nobody
      restrict anonymous = 1  
    2. Restart smb service after modifying smb.conf. i.e:

      # service smb restart
  • This will restrict anonymous access to Samba service.

Diagnostic Steps

CVE-2000-1200: Windows NT allows remote attackers to list all users in a domain by obtaining the domain SID with the LsaQueryInformationPolicy policy function via a null session and using the SID to list the users.

CVE-1999-0519: A NETBIOS/SMB share password is the default, null, or missing.

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