Unable to use "Guided Rule (with DSL)" with non-dsl condition in JBoss BPM 6

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss Business Process Management Suite (BPM Suite) 6.0.0
  • Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Business Rule Management System (BRMS) 6.0.0


Basically, if a new Guided Rule is created using the DSL checked, a dsl condition has to be included to the rule. The following error is experienced if validating a Guided Rule (with DSL) with non-dsl conditions.

  "Unable to expand: ..."


It has been fixed in JBoss BRMS 6.0.1. As a workaround, you should add a dsl condition to the rule if using Guided Rule (with dsl) or use Guided Rule (without dsl) if dsl condition will not be used.

Root Cause

The issue has been reported in BZ1064851.

Diagnostic Steps

The steps to reproduce are:

  1. create TestFact in data modeler having single string field named name;
  2. create dsl (e.g. [when] Name is {something}= TestFact(name=='{something}');
  3. create the guided rule ticking Use Domain Specific Language (DSL) and add the simplest rule (e.g. There is a TestFact);
  4. try to validate the rule -> see the error in Problems at the bottom of the page or in server.log: Unable to expand:...

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