Why is RHEL 9 template failing to deploy in VMware with "Customization command failed with stderr: '/bin/cat: /etc/machine-id: No such file or directory" error?
Why is RHEL 9 template failing to deploy in VMware with below errors in the log ?
Renewing machine ID ... DEBUG: Command: 'dbus-uuidgen --ensure=/etc/machine-id' DEBUG: Exit Code: 72057594037927935 DEBUG: Result: DEBUG: Command: '/bin/cat /etc/machine-id' DEBUG: Exit Code: 1 .... .... INFO: New machine ID: .... [ error] Customization command failed with stderr: '/bin/cat: /etc/machine-id: No such file or directory'. [ error] Customization process returned with error. [ debug] Deployment result = -1. [ info] Setting 'unknown' error status in vmx. [ info] Transitioning from state 'INPROGRESS' to state 'ERRORED'. [ info] ENTER STATE 'ERRORED'.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
- VMware
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