CNI request failed with status 400 when creating pod in OCP
- When creating pod contains the error in the events:
Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to create pod network sandbox k8s_mypod_mynamespace_uid_0(poduid): error adding pod mynamespace_mypod to CNI network "multus-cni-network": plugin type="multus" name="multus-cni-network" failed (add): [mynamespace/mypod/uid:ovn-kubernetes]: error adding container to network "ovn-kubernetes": CNI request failed with status 400: '[mynamespace/mypod poduid] [mynamespace/mypod poduid] failed to get pod annotation: timed out waiting for annotations: context deadline exceeded
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.X
- Kyverno
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