"awx-manage inventory_import" fails to import inventory into AAP from automation controller node

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat® Ansible Automation Platform 2.x


  • awx-manage inventory_import fails to import inventory into Ansible Automation Platform UI from automation controller node

    [controller ~]$ sudo awx-manage inventory_import --inventory-name test_inventory --source test
    1.686 INFO     Updating inventory 94: test_inventory
    1.843 WARNING  The default execution environment (id=3, name=Control Plane Execution Environment, image=registry.redhat.io/ee-supported-rhel8:latest) is not available on this node. The image needs to be available locally before using this command, due to registry authentication. To pull this image, either run a job on this node or manually pull the image.


  • In general, the use of awx-manage command is supported when executed by the root or awx user. However, in automation controller 4.x, even when run as the root user, the command awx-manage inventory_import fails to authenticate with the private registry where the Red Hat execution environments are hosted.

  • The workaround is to run the command as the awx user, given that the images should be pre-pulled by the installer which correctly authenticates.

  • If you want to use the root, you will be required to have the image available for the root user as well. The issue is mentioned in our documentation here

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