tlog-rec fails in error when started from a confined user

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • When trying to execute tlog-rec to record some commands and the user is confined (e.g. to staff_u), the following errors are seen but no AVCs are recorded and the command doesn't execute:

    [staff@vm-rhel8 ~]$ id -Z
    [staff@vm-rhel8 ~]$ tlog-rec -o log.out echo hello
    Locale charset is ANSI_X3.4-1968 (ASCII)
    Assuming locale environment is lost and charset is UTF-8
    Failed adding a utmp record
    Failed removing utmp record
    Failed setting up the I/O tap

    Here above we can see error messages and no "hello" being displayed, which indicates the command didn't execute at all.


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and 9
    • tlog-rec

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