Cleaning step fails on baremetal node during introspection due to SSLError
- When try to run introspection, it failed at the cleaning step with below error messages.
2023-10-25 17:10:19.536558 | 6c3c8c76-133d-5a41-c028-00000000000b | TASK | Make nodes available
2023-10-25 17:14:46.396130 | 6c3c8c76-133d-5a41-c028-00000000000b | FATAL | Make nodes available | localhost | error={"baremetal_data": [{"05077759-f258-4eda-8f37-5e24bddd6538": {"allocation_id": null, "bios_interface": null, "boot_interface": null, "chassis_id": null, "clean_step": null, "conductor": null, "conductor_group": null, "console_interface": null, "created_at": null, "deploy_interface": null, "deploy_step": null, "driver": null, "driver_info": null, "driver_internal_info": null, "extra": null, "fault": null, "id": "05077759-f258-4eda-8f37-5e24bddd6538", "inspect_interface": null, "instance_id": null, "instance_info": null, "is_automated_clean_enabled": null, "is_console_enabled": null, "is_maintenance": null, "is_protected": null, "is_retired": null, "last_error": "Node failed to start the first cleaning step. Error: Connection to agent failed: Failed to connect to the agent running on node 05077759-f258-4eda-8f37-5e24bddd6538 for invoking command clean.get_clean_steps. Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=9999): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/commands/?wait=true&agent_token=Fozy5Pv3EEetRNLUe5fGFbOQE0QVltHyE1QE6l1R4WI (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate is not yet valid (_ssl.c:1129)')))", "links": [{"href": "", "rel": "self"}, {"href": "", "rel": "bookmark"}], "location": {"cloud": "undercloud", "project": {"domain_id": null, "domain_name": "Default", "id": "2e4e2f37dd7d40f588bb04a7cb2ea1e2", "name": "admin"}, "region_name": "regionOne", "zone": null}, "maintenance_reason": null, "management_interface": null, "name": null, "network_interface": null, "owner": null, "port_groups": null, "ports": null, "power_interface": null, "power_state": null, "properties": null, "protected_reason": null, "provision_state": "clean failed", "raid_config": null, "raid_interface": null, "rescue_interface": null, "reservation": null, "resource_class": null, "retired_reason": null, "states": null, "storage_interface": null, "target_power_state": null, "target_provision_state": null, "target_raid_config": null, "traits": null, "updated_at": null, "vendor_interface": null}}], "changed": true, "failed_nodes": ["05077759-f258-4eda-8f37-5e24bddd6538"], "msg": "Providing completed with failures. 1 node(s) failed.Errors: Failed providing nodes because of failure: Node 05077759-f258-4eda-8f37-5e24bddd6538 reached failure state \"clean failed\"; the last error is Node failed to start the first cleaning step. Error: Connection to agent failed: Failed to connect to the agent running on node 05077759-f258-4eda-8f37-5e24bddd6538 for invoking command clean.get_clean_steps. Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=9999): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/commands/?wait=true&agent_token=Fozy5Pv3EEetRNLUe5fGFbOQE0QVltHyE1QE6l1R4WI (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate is not yet valid (_ssl.c:1129)')))\nFailed providing for node 05077759-f258-4eda-8f37-5e24bddd6538: Node failed to start the first cleaning step. Error: Connection to agent failed: Failed to connect to the agent running on node 05077759-f258-4eda-8f37-5e24bddd6538 for invoking command clean.get_clean_steps. Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=9999): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/commands/?wait=true&agent_token=Fozy5Pv3EEetRNLUe5fGFbOQE0QVltHyE1QE6l1R4WI (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate is not yet valid (_ssl.c:1129)')))", "passed_nodes": []}
2023-10-25 17:14:46.396677 | 6c3c8c76-133d-5a41-c028-00000000000b | TIMING | Make nodes available | localhost | 0:04:26.985803 | 266.86s
NO MORE HOSTS LEFT *************************************************************
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=2 rescued=0 ignored=0
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