IPI Bootstrap fail waiting for kubernetes API in Openshift 4
- Bootstrap failed to complete.
- Bootstrap failed to get API VIP assigned.
- Worker's VMs do not get created.
Masters's VMs console keeps trying to contact the API VIP to gather the ignition file:
[998.247190] ignition[866]: GET https://<$API_VIP>:22623/config/master: attemp [***] A start job is running for Ignition (fetch) (16Min 37s no limit)
Bootstrap keepalived-monitor container shows errors like:
time="2023-10-13T13:54:00Z" level=info msg="handleBootstrapStopKeepalived: Num of failures exceeds threshold" bootstrapApiFailuresThreshold=4 consecutiveErr=7 time="2023-10-13T13:54:01Z" level=error msg="Failed to write command to Keepalived container control socket" socket=/var/run/keepalived/keepalived.sock
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) 4.x
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