Creating an Ingress resource fails with validation error in OpenShift 4

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
    • 4
  • Kubernetes Ingress resource (


  • Trying to create a Kubernetes Ingress resource ( fails with error in the Ingress events:

    Warning  FailedDeployModel  2m (x4 over 1m)  ingress  Failed deploy model due to InvalidParameter: 1 validation error(s) found.
  • The following error messages are shown in the events for the namespace where the Ingress is failing:

    Warning   FailedDeployModel   ingress/[ingress_name]                                     Failed deploy model due to failed to create listener rule: ValidationError: Condition value 'xxxxxxxx' contains a character that is not valid...


It is needed to review the failing rule in the Ingress resource. If there are lots of rules and there are several ones failing, or it is not possible to identify the one that is failing, try to create a more simple Ingress resource and start adding the rules one by one.

Check the events for the Ingress resource and also the events for the full namespace for troubleshooting the error. Refer to the "Diagnostic Steps" section for additional information.

Root Cause

One or more rules from the Ingress resource are failing, and it is needed to identify and fix them.

Diagnostic Steps

Check the events of the Ingress resource:

$ oc describe ingress [ingress_name] -n [ingress_namespace_name]
Warning  FailedDeployModel  2m (x4 over 1m)  ingress  Failed deploy model due to InvalidParameter: 1 validation error(s) found.
  - minimum field value of 1, CreateTargetGroupInput.Port.

Check the events of the namespace where the Ingress resource is failing:

$ oc get events -n [namespace_name] --sort-by='.lastTimestamp'
NAMESPACE   LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON              OBJECT                                             MESSAGE
[namespace_name]    10m         Warning   FailedDeployModel   ingress/[ingress_name]                                     Failed deploy model due to InvalidParameter: 1 validation error(s) found....
[namespace_name]    10m         Warning   FailedDeployModel   ingress/[ingress_name]                                     Failed deploy model due to InvalidParameter: 1 validation error(s) found....
[namespace_name]    10m         Warning   FailedDeployModel   ingress/[ingress_name]                                     Failed deploy model due to failed to create listener rule: ValidationError: Condition value 'xxxxxxxx' contains a character that is not valid...
[namespace_name]    10m         Warning   FailedDeployModel   ingress[ingress_name]                                     (combined from similar events): Failed deploy model due to failed to create listener rule: ValidationError: Condition value 'xxxxxxxx' contains a character that is not valid...

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