AlertmanagerConfig with missing options causes Alertmanager to crash

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
    • 4.10+


  • AlertmanagerConfig object created in user defined projects can cause Alertmanager to crash when restarted.
  • An incomplete configuration of AlertmanagerConfig is allowed to be created without the validation.
  • Alertmanager pods will be in CrashLoopBackOff state:

    $ oc get pods -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring | grep alert
    NAME                                   READY   STATUS             RESTARTS        AGE
    alertmanager-user-workload-0           5/6     CrashLoopBackOff   1 (3s ago)      23s
  • Alertmanager pods show error like below:

    ts=2023-09-05T12:07:33.449Z caller=coordinator.go:118 level=error component=configuration msg="Loading 
    configuration file failed" file=/etc/alertmanager/config_out/alertmanager.env.yaml err="no global SMTP 
    smarthost set"


This issue has been reported to Red Hat engineering. It is being tracked in OCPBUGS-18656.
For more information, please open a new support case with Red Hat Support.

Workaround[1]:Add the smtp_from and smtp_smarthostto the global section of the Alertmanager like below:

  • Print the currently active Alertmanager configuration into file alertmanager.yaml:

    $ oc -n openshift-user-worklod-monitoring get secret alertmanager-user-workload --template='{{ index .data 
    "alertmanager.yaml" }}' | base64 --decode > alertmanager.yaml
  • Edit the configuration in alertmanager.yaml:

  • Apply the new configuration in the file:

    $ oc -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring create secret generic alertmanager-user-workload --from- 
    file=alertmanager.yaml --dry-run=client -o=yaml |  oc -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring replace secret -- 

Workaround[2]:Add the from and smarthost in the AlertmanagerConfig's emailConfigs section like below:

$ oc edit AlertmanagerConfig <alertmanagerconfig-name>

  - name: 'email_receiver'
    - to: ''
      from: ''
      smarthost: ''
      authUsername: ''
        name: 'smtp-password-secret'
        key: 'password'

Note: smarthost and from should be defined in either global section of the Alertmanager or AlertmanagerConfig object.

Root Cause

When the AlertmanagerConfig object without options smtp_from and smtp_smarthost is created, the error appears.

Diagnostic Steps

  • The following error appears in the Alertmanager pods:

    $ oc logs alertmanager-user-workload-0 -c alertmanager -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring
    ts=2023-09-12T16:42:52.626Z caller=coordinator.go:118 level=error component=configuration msg="Loading 
    configuration file failed" file=/etc/alertmanager/config_out/alertmanager.env.yaml err="no global SMTP 
    smarthost set"
    ts=2023-09-12T16:42:52.626Z caller=cluster.go:690 level=info component=cluster msg="gossip not settled but 
    continuing anyway" polls=0 elapsed=20.800007ms
  • Global section doesn't contain smtp_from and smtp_smarthost:

    $ oc -n openshift-user-worklod-monitoring get secret alertmanager-user-workload --template='{{ index .data 
    "alertmanager.yaml" }}' | base64 --decode > alertmanager.yaml
     resolve_timeout: 5m
       follow_redirects: true
     smtp_hello: localhost
     smtp_require_tls: true
     receiver: Default

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