How to disable the versioning on the S3 buckets used in ROSA/OSD?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)
  • Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated (OSD)


  • How to turn off the versioning on the S3 buckets used in ROSA/OSD?
  • How to change the versioning on the S3 buckets from enabled to disabled?


  • It is not possible to disable versioning on the S3 buckets used in OSD/ROSA once it is enabled.
  • However, the versioning can be suspended by following the doc. Once the versioning is suspended, it won't remove existing versioned objects, however, it will stop accruing new versions.
  • In ROSA/OSD the bucket versioning is not enabled by default unless enabled specifically for a particular bucket.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Go to the AWS Console.

  • Choose your S3 bucket.

  • Choose the Properties tab.

  • Check that versioning is enabled on the S3 bucket.

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