kafka User creation failing with user operator
- kafka User creation failing with user operator
- Kafka user creation and operator reconciliation are not working. I found that in the user operator we have a lot of Timed out on describeClientQuotas.
2023-08-28 06:15:58 WARN AbstractOperator:516 - Reconciliation #268756(timer) KafkaUser(infra-kafka-xxx/yyy): Failed to reconcile
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting to send the call. Call: describeClientQuotas
2023-08-28 06:15:58 ERROR AbstractOperator:258 - Reconciliation #268772(timer) KafkaUser(infra-kafka-xxx): createOrUpdate failed
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting to send the call. Call: describeClientQuotas
2023-08-28 06:15:58 ERROR AbstractOperator:258 - Reconciliation #268773(timer) KafkaUser(infra-kafka-xxx/yyy-dev): createOrUpdate failed
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting to send the call. Call: describeClientQuotas
- could you provide some info about the reconciliation on the User operator ?
- Red Hat AMQ Streams
- 2.3.0
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