Why does the `stop` operation of a SAPHana resource agent fail when the systemd based SAP startup framework is enabled?

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  • When a graceful shutdown/reboot happens, the stop operation triggered by Pacemaker against a SAPHana resource agent fails and the node gets fenced:

    Node 1

    SAPHana(RH2_SAPHana)[334609]: INFO: RA ==== begin action stop_clone (0.162.1) ====
    pacemaker-attrd[95364]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_clone_state[node1]: DEMOTED -> UNDEFINED
    SAPHana(RH2_SAPHana)[334609]: WARNING: ACT: systemd service SAPRH2_02.service is not active, it will be started using systemd
    systemd[1]: Requested transaction contradicts existing jobs: Transaction is destructive.
    SAPHana(RH2_SAPHana)[334609]: ERROR: ACT: error during start of systemd unit SAPRH2_02.service!
    SAPHana(RH2_SAPHana)[334609]: ERROR: ACT: SAP Instance RH2-HDB02 stop failed:
    SAPHana(RH2_SAPHana)[334609]: INFO: RA ==== end action stop_clone with rc=1 (0.162.1) (2s)====
    pacemaker-execd[95363]: notice: RH2_SAPHana_stop_0[334609] error output [ Error: NIECONN_REFUSED (Connection refused), NiRawConnect failed in plugin_fopen() ]
    pacemaker-execd[95363]: notice: RH2_SAPHana_stop_0[334609] error output [ Error: NIECONN_REFUSED (Connection refused), NiRawConnect failed in plugin_fopen() ]
    pacemaker-controld[95366]: notice: Result of stop operation for RH2_SAPHana on node1: error
    pacemaker-controld[95366]: notice: node1-RH2_SAPHana_stop_0:67 [ Error: NIECONN_REFUSED (Connection refused), NiRawConnect failed in plugin_fopen()\nError: NIECONN_REFUSED (Connection refused), NiRawConnect failed in plugin_fopen()\n ]
    pacemaker-attrd[95364]: notice: Setting fail-count-RH2_SAPHana#stop_0[node1]: (unset) -> INFINITY

    Node 2

    pacemaker-schedulerd[74196]: warning: Cluster node node1 will be fenced: RH2_SAPHana:1 failed there
    pacemaker-schedulerd[74196]: warning: Scheduling Node node1 for STONITH
    pacemaker-schedulerd[74196]: notice: Stop of failed resource RH2_SAPHana:1 is implicit after node1 is fenced


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 with SAP Solution subscription
  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS7 or later

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