The image-registry co is Degraded with Unable to apply resources: unable to sync storage configuration error in GCP.

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.12
  • GCP


  • The image-registry and cloud credential co are stuck in Degraded state with below error:
NAME                                      VERSION  AVAILABLE  PROGRESSING  DEGRADED  SINCE
cloud-credential                          4.12.21  True       True         True      3d
image-registry                            4.12.21  False      True         True      1h1m
message: 'Progressing: Unable to apply resources: unable to sync storage configuration:
      Get "":
      oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request


  • Provide the necessary permission to the iam user to access the cluster resources and make sure GCP secret has all valid arguments as per the GCP documentation.

Root Cause

  • The lack of permissions at GCP end caused this issue.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Check for the image-registry and cloud credentials co status why it is stuck in degraded state.
$ oc get co image-registry -o yaml
Message        : Progressing: Unable to apply resources: unable to sync storage configuration: 
  • If image-registry is stuck in degraded due to above error, check for cloud credentials operator pod logs and look for below error:
$ oc logs cloud-credential-operator-xxxxx -c cloud-credential-operator
level=error msg="error syncing credentials: error syncing creds in mint-mode: error creating key: rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = Key creation is not allowed on this service account.\nerror details: name = PreconditionFailure type = constraints/iam.disableServiceAccountKeyCreation subj = projects/xxxx/serviceAccounts/xxxx?configvalue=xxxx desc = Key creation is not allowed on this service account." controller=credreq cr=openshift-cloud-credential-operator/openshift-gcp-xxx secret=openshift-cloud-controller-manager/gcp-ccm-cloud-credentials
level=error msg="errored with condition: CredentialsProvisionFailure" controller=credreq cr=openshift-cloud-credential-operator/openshift-gcp-xxx secret=openshift-cloud-controller-manager/gcp-ccm-cloud-credentials
 level=error msg="error syncing creds in mint-mode" actuator=gcp cr=openshift-cloud-credential-operator/openshift-gcp-xxx error="error creating key: rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = Key creation is not allowed on this service account.\nerror details: name = PreconditionFailure type = constraints/iam.disableServiceAccountKeyCreation subj = projects/xxxx/serviceAccounts/xxxx?configvalue=xxxx desc = Key creation is not allowed on this service account."

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