Pods are unable to start due to missing backingFsBlockDev file in ROSA/ARO

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Services on AWS (ROSA)
  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO)
  • OpenShift Dedicated (OSD)


  • Pods on nodes stuck in pending state and below event is streamed:
Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  pod/podname  (combined from similar events): Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = error creating pod sandbox with name "k8s_podname_namespace_32148648-d572-4622-b3f0-2111417e7a18_0": error creating read-write layer with ID "67473e77e49fe090bf14ed9ded93def90591b24e73448b9436a45df7f756e34b": Failed to set quota limit for projid 31409 on /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/backingFsBlockDev: no such file or directory


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This issue has been fixed and the patch is included by default in RHOCP 4.12 and above and was backported in the following RHOCP versions:

Version Related BZ/Jira Errata Crio Version
4.11.19 Jira OCPBUGS-4470 Errata RHBA-2022:8892 1.24.3-7
4.10.46 Jira OCPBUGS-4471 Errata RHSA-2022:9098 1.23.4-3
4.9.54 Jira OCPBUGS-4472 Errata RHSA-2022:9110 1.22.5-16
4.8.57 Jira OCPBUGS-1230 Errata RHBA-2023:0236 1.21.8-11

IMPORTANT: As the fix is already included in newer OCP releases, the recommendation is to upgrade the cluster or open a case with Red Hat for a workaround to be applied to the cluster. Please Note The workaround is only a temporary solution to enable cluster to upgrade and the issue might re-surface if the cluster is not on the bug-fix version.

Root Cause

The underline root cause of this issue is currently under investigation.

The Packageserver Operator has been identified as a common operator running on all impacted environment.
There is an internal Jira ticket OCPBUGS-13403 to review it.

Diagnostic Steps

Check events generated for the pod which got stuck in pending state:

$ oc get events -n [project_name] | grep [pod_name]

Check for backingFsBlockDev in the journalctl from the node logs:

$ journalctl -u kubelet | grep backingFsBlockDev | head

or in a SOSREPORT:

$ grep "backingFsBlockDev" ${SOSREPORT_PATH}/sos_commands/openshift/journalctl_--no-pager_--unit_kubelet | head

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