oc-mirror fails to mirror the GitOps Operator for RHOCP 4
Mirroring the GitOps Operator using the 4.12
operator index image
fails due to a missing related image:"error: unable to retrieve source image registry.redhat.io/openshift-gitops-1/must-gather-rhel8 manifest sha256:4a5b9b97466b53e7775d887a0d920507cebbf892e7bc6a5334c784c55f9e3dd8: unknown: Not Found"
Is not possible to mirror GitOps 1.9.1 because of the following error:
error: unable to retrieve source image registry.redhat.io/openshift-gitops-1/must-gather-rhel8 manifest sha256:d0b08ab18fd49457091669e4378c58637fdf732fff866c6d699ae6a6285cc3ad: manifest unknown: manifest unknown error: an error occurred during planning
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
- 4.12
- 4.13
- Red Hat OpenShift GitOps
- 1.9.1
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