Azure AD (OIDC) login failed when Redirect URI is not set correctly
- Azure Red Hat OpenShift [ARO]
- 4.x
- Cluster Oauth login using Azure AD(OpenID Connect) failed with AADSTS50011 error
- Get the application ID in Azure AD from the error message
the request does not match the redirect URIs configured for the application '09d97a70-a13b-481f-94b4-fdfcd33eba4a'.
- Verify the openshift oauth URI from the error message
The redirect URI ''
- Verify the Redirect URIs in Azure AD (identify that the URI is not matching openshift oauth URI above)
$ az ad app show --id 09d97a70-a13b-481f-94b4-fdfcd33eba4a | jq -r .web.redirectUriSettings
"index": null,
"uri": ""
- Update Redirect URIs in Azure AD Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps Authentication page to match the openshift oauth URI
- Verify the Redirect URIs in Azure AD again
$ az ad app show --id 09d97a70-a13b-481f-94b4-fdfcd33eba4a | jq -r .web.redirectUriSettings
"index": null,
"uri": ""
- Login using AAD2 again
Root Cause
- When Redirect URIs in Azure AD is not matching openshift oauth URI , the AADSTS50011 error will happen
Diagnostic Steps
Got the below error in openshfit login page using AD
Message: AADSTS50011: The redirect URI '' specified in the request does not match the redirect URIs configured for the application '09d97a70-a13b-481f-94b4-fdfcd33eba4a'. Make sure the redirect URI sent in the request matches one added to your application in the Azure portal.
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