Configuring IDP Mapping Method as lookup with GitHub

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS [ROSA]
    • 4.x
  • Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated [OSD]
    • 4.x
  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift [ARO]
    • 4.x
  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform [RHOCP]
    • 4.x


  • How to permit a few users from my GitHub Organisation to get access to my cluster either by using the Web Console or the API Server via command line?


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  • In order to accomplish this task, the IDP Mapping Method needs to be configured as lookup. By definition:

    Looks up an existing identity, user identity mapping, and user, but does not automatically provision users or identities. This allows cluster administrators to set up identities and users manually, or using an external process. Using this method requires you to manually provision users.

  • The following procedure helps with the steps and information required to successfully have this implemented:


    • Have an Organization on Github with members who would be accessing the cluster. Reference: About organizations.


    1. Set up the GitHub IDP as per Product documentation choosing the Mapping Method as lookup.
      For ROSA/OSD, same steps are used. The ROSA documentation brings the step by step.
      For ARO/RHOCP, please find the steps from the OCP documentation.

    2. After setting up the IDP, the pods on the openshift-authentication project will start being replaced with the new configuration. This can be monitored by using the command below:

      $ watch oc get pods -n openshift-authentication
    3. With the new configuration in place, the GitHub IDP should be ready to be used. The following OCP Login screen should be displayed on the Web Console:

    OCP Login Screen

    1. When trying to access the cluster by using the new GitHub IDP, all users will receive the error below:

    Login error

    1. In order to have the GitHub members permitted to access the cluster, their user and identity need to be manually created by the Cluster Administrator:

      5.1. Retrieve the GitHub user ID by using one of the methods below:

      • Accessing the GitHub API:< username >
      • Querying the GitHub API running the curl command below:

        $ curl -s<username> | jq '.id'

      5.2. Create the OCP user:

       $ oc create user <username>

      5.3. Create the OCP identity by using the IDP name used on step 1 and the user ID retrieved on step 5.1:

       $ oc create identity <idpName:userID>

      5.4. Create the OCP useridentitymapping:

       $ oc create useridentitymapping <idpName:userID> <username>
    2. Once completed all the steps above, the users will be able to access the cluster successfully.

NOTE: For other IDP methods, the same configuration applies. However, it is required to identify how to retrieve the user ID provided by the IDP method which will form the identities.

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