Azure Redhat OpenShift - AlertmanagerClusterFailedToSendAlerts

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 (ARO )


  • Do we need to allow traffic from the cluster to these addresses [40.100.XXX.XXX, 52.98.X.XXX] on port 587?
  • Alert receiver was configured but failed to send to Microsoft Exchange server.

Sample Errors:

From the alertmanager pod logs


level=error ts=2023-04-22T04:28:50.411Z caller=dispatch.go:354 component=dispatcher msg="Notify for alerts failed" num_alerts=10 err="XXXXXX-paging/email[0]: notify retry canceled after 2 attempts: establish connection to server: dial tcp 52.98.X.XXX:587: i/o timeout"
level=error ts=2023-04-22T04:44:46.830Z caller=dispatch.go:354 component=dispatcher msg="Notify for alerts failed" num_alerts=2 err="XXXXXX-paging/email[0]: notify retry canceled after 2 attempts: establish connection to server: dial tcp 40.100.XXX.X:587: i/o timeout"


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  • The user has the ability to set up where alert notifications are sent using SMTP, which is explained in this documentation. After completing this step, it is the cluster-admin/admin responsibility to inquire with their network or security teams if any outbound/egress traffic needs to be allowed from their proxy/firewall to ensure proper functioning. Redhat is not responsible for this configuration since it falls outside the scope of their support, as indicated in the Support Matrix referenced here.

  • If the user plans on using Microsoft Exchange Online, they can refer to Microsoft's documentation for their worldwide endpoints here. Although the IP addresses may vary based on the region, the public IP address should match the published Microsoft CIDR range provided in the link.

Root Cause

  • Network Firewall is blocking the egress/outbound traffic.

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