Force Delete an OSD or ROSA Cluster Stuck in Uninstall State
- Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated (CCS)
- Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS
- A CCS OSD or ROSA cluster is stuck in uninstall state or did not finish uninstalling successfully and needs to be forcefully deleted.
Note: For non-CCS OSD clusters, please open a support case.
- Go to the OpenShift Cluster Manager Downloads page
- Download the OCM cli
- Copy the OCM login command + token from the OpenShift Cluster Manager API Token page
- Log In to OCM:
$ ocm login --token="<TOKEN>"
- Get your OCM internal cluster ID:
$ EXT_ID=$(oc get clusterversion version -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterID}{"\n"}')
$ ocm describe cluster $EXT_ID --json | jq -r .id
- Replace "ID" with the output of the command above and run the command below to force delete the cluster:
$ ocm delete cluster "ID" -p best_effort=true
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