Not possible to update registered system with yum or graphical GUI (pup)

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and later


No Red Hat software update possible for already registered system by using graphical software updater or yum update.

Error messages after the software updater (GUI) was started:

this system is obviously set for software updates

After the entry of account information comes a message, which essentially says:

there are no further entitlements for your account

"yum update" ends up with following error:

Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit...
The other application is: pup
Sate : Sleeping, pid: <PID>

This message is then repeated.


  • yum will not work until pup application is closed
  • You need to close pup application (Applications => System Tools => Software Updater) if possible, or you can force it to closing by following command as a root user

    # kill -9 <pap PID>
  • Then you can use following command to update your system:

    # yum update

Root Cause

Pup is frontend application used for updates and only one update application can run at the time. You have to exit the pup before running yum.

Diagnostic Steps

To check the pup PID, run the following command:

# ps -aux | grep pup
  • Component
  • yum

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