AzureFile CSI Driver Creating a New Storage Account Everytime When Creating a New PV/PVC
- Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO)
- 4.11
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) on Azure
- 4.11
- When using the azurefile-csi storage class EVERY PVC created gets a new storage account created in the resource group - it's only one file share per storage account / PVC.
- When the PVC is deleted the PV and file share get deleted as expected, but the storage account never does.
- When we delete the PVC the file share gets deleted eventually, but the now unused storage account never gets deleted.
- we observed that we are hitting the storage account limits for our subscription.
Upgrade to v4.12 which upgrades Azure File CSI driver to v1.21
Root Cause
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GitHub issue:
GitHub Pull Request:
From azure file csi driver v1.13.0, there is tags matching, unfortunately there is a bug in tags matching which would lead to creating a new account every time when creating a new file share, this PR fixes the issue by disabling match tags by default in account search when creating file share. Tag matching is only enabled when it's specified explicitly: set matchTags: "true" in storage class.
The Bug fix has been included in the azurefile-csi-driver v1.15
OpenShift v4.11 is still using the Azure File CSI driver v1.14 but OpenShift v4.12 has upgraded the Azure File CSI driver version to v1.21.
From Document Dynamically create Azure Files PVs by using the built-in storage classes
When you use the built-in storage classes azurefile-csi and azurefile-csi-premium, a storage account is automatically created in the node resource group to hold the Azure Files shares. Each PVC provisioned using the storage class will create an Azure Files share within the storage account.
The reclaim policy on both storage classes ensures that the underlying Azure Files share is deleted when the respective PV is deleted.
When a PVC is created using the azurefile-csi StorageClass, it creates an Azure Files share within a storage account in the resource group. This works as expected. When you delete the PVC, the corresponding Azure Files share is eventually deleted according to the reclaim policy.
However, the storage account itself is not deleted automatically when the PVC is deleted, even if there are no more Azure Files shares within it. The reason for this behavior is that the storage account might still be in use by other components or resources in your infrastructure. The CSI driver does not automatically delete the storage account to prevent unintended data loss or disruption of services.
Diagnostic Steps
Check the Cluster version
$ oc get clusterversion
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