Signature validation failed when upgrading a disconnected OpenShift cluster
After executing the command oc adm upgrade --to=4.10.51
the upgrade does not start and the events show:
Warning RetrievePayloadFailed clusterversion/version Retrieving payload failed version="" \
image="$local-repo \
@sha256:d23a3b88ece36f741923552904b730c5452db698c7678cf65181fefb62ea5e2f" \
failure=The update cannot be verified: unable to locate a valid signature for one or more sources
- Red Hat OpenShift Containers Platform (RHOCP)
- Tested on upgrade from 4.10.18 to 4.10.51
- Disconnected environment (air-gaped cluster) without the OpenShift Update Service
- Local container image registry prepared with the container images for the update
- Performed the upgrade following documentation: Updating a cluster in a disconnected environment without the OpenShift Update Service
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